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Linfield's Team Gridiron Glove will help amateurs play with star athletes

Team Gridiron Glove is advancing to the InventOR semifinals.

If you've ever dreamed of training with elite athletes you might be interested in hearing more for Linfield College's team entering the InventOR Collegiate Challenge.

Team Gridiron Glove, three students from Linfield who met in a sports management career exploration class, has invented a sports product that will allow athletes and amateurs alike to train at a higher level.

As the team puts it, the glove allows consumers to trap and catch balls and play sports at a higher level, avoiding injury and building lasting memories.

The Gridiron Glove team — Amanda Reser, a sophomore studying accounting and economics; Clark Hazlet, a senior majoring in marketing and sport studies; and Shannon Stoller, a sophomore with a sports management major — has advanced to the InventOR semifinal competition and received $500 to further develop their prototype.

We look forward to catching them next month and seeing the Gridiron Glove in action.

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